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Vacuette Tube 4 ml FX Sodium Fluoride/Potassium Oxalate

Recall date


Greiner Bio-One North America, Inc.

Lot code/Notes

Vacuette Tube 4 ml FX Sodium Fluoride/Potassium Oxalate, Item #454297, 13x75 grey cap-black ring, non-ridged.

Lot #A221135N, Exp. date 03/02/2024, UDI-DI Case label 39120017575130, UDI Rack label 29120017575133.

US Nationwide distribution in the states of CT, FL, IA, IL, MO, NC, NY, PA, TN, and VA.
Due to tubes have missing additive/ anticoagulant resulting in clotting in most cases. A completely clotted sample would lead to no results being reported, which could lead to a delay in treatment or diagnosis. An erroneous glucose or lactose result from a partially clotted sample could lead to inappropriate treatment.