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June 01, 2020

National Academies of Practice accepts fellows, member

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The National Academies of Practice, an interdisciplinary organization of health care practitioners and scholars, accepted Drs. Amara H. Estrada and Andrew T. Maccabe as new veterinary fellows of the Veterinary Medicine Academy and Dr. Mia Cary as a new professional member of the academy.

Dr. Estrada
Dr. Amara H. Estrada
Dr. Maccabe
Dr. Andrew T. Maccabe
Dr. Cary
Dr. Mia Cary


Dr. Estrada (Florida ’98), a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in cardiology, is recognized for research in comparative and veterinary clinical cardiology. A professor at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, she has worked with representatives from five other colleges at the university to develop programs in interprofessional education. Her most recent endeavor in this area is the identification and development of an activity based on the opioid crisis.

Dr. Maccabe (Ohio State ’85) is CEO of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges. He started in mixed animal practice before joining the Air Force as a public health officer. In 1995, he became chief of the Health Risk Assessment Branch of the Air Force. He then joined the AAVMC. In 2007, he was appointed liaison from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Food and Drug Administration. He returned to the AAVMC as CEO in 2012.

Dr. Cary (Florida ’99) is a consultant, coach, speaker, and workshop facilitator. Her purpose is helping others to thrive, advocating for the veterinary profession, and optimizing interprofessional collaboration. She held positions as AVMA chief of professional development and strategic alliances and as chief innovation officer for the North American Veterinary Community. She serves on the Pet Peace of Mind board of directors and Veterinary Entrepreneurship Academy board of advisers and is a past president of the American Association of Industry Veterinarians.