Dr. Boaz Arzi named recipient of 2023 AVMF/EveryCat Health Foundation Research Award

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(SCHAUMBURG, Illinois) July 16, 2023—The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) today honored Dr. Boaz Arzi, professor and chief of veterinary dentistry and oral surgery service at the UC-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, as the winner of the 2023 American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF)/EveryCat Health Foundation Research Award.

Established in 2009, the award—previously known as the AVMF/Winn Feline Foundation Research Award—honors a candidate's contribution to advancing feline health through their research.

"Dr. Arzi is a true pioneer in the field of feline health research," said Dr. Lori Teller, president of the AVMA. "His innovative work and dedication have made a profound impact on our understanding and treatment of feline health disorders. Moreover, his commitment to mentoring the next generation ensures his legacy will continue to benefit feline health for decades to come."

Dr. Boaz Arzi acceptance speech

Dr. Arzi's multifaceted research focuses on feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS), maxillofacial fracture management, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, and regenerative medicine. He has made remarkable strides in treating non-responsive FCGS with adipose-derived stem cells, resulting in improved health for numerous cats and advancements in veterinary medicine. His innovative treatment approach, which can lead to a cure in up to 70% of the non-responsive cases, is being licensed by commercial biotech company Gallant, which is currently seeking FDA approval.

In addition to this, Dr. Arzi has been recognized as a global leader in the field of TMJ research. His comprehensive studies and surgical techniques have significantly advanced treatment approaches for TMJ disorders, including TMJ ankylosis, a severely debilitating condition in cats that restricts or prohibits the mouth from opening.

Beyond his direct research, Dr. Arzi's influence extends through his roles as Director of the UC-Davis Veterinary Institute for Regenerative Cures and Vice Chair of the North American Veterinary Regenerative Medical Association. His leadership in bringing human and veterinary researchers together has resulted in novel conferences with other institutions that have used a One Health approach to advance the health of pets and humans. By promoting cross-disciplinary collaborations, he has led efforts to harness naturally occurring diseases in companion animals to accelerate the development of new treatments, drugs and device inventions.

Dr. Arzi's commitment to the future of feline health is also evident in his mentorship of the next generation of veterinary dentists and researchers. Many of his former students now lead similar programs worldwide, expanding on his established methods to advance feline health care.

Dr. Arzi's work has been recognized previously with the American Veterinary Dental College Foundation Research Scholarship Award, the American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) Robert Wiggs Outstanding Candidate Award, the AVDC Hills Research and Education Award, the Boehringer Ingelheim Translational Medicine Award and the Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence.

"I am very appreciative and humbled to receive the 2023 AVMF/EveryCat Health Foundation Research Award," said Dr. Arzi. "Our group has been working on advancing feline dental and oromaxillofacial health for over a decade and the EveryCat Health Foundation funding has been instrumental in our pursuit of medical advancements. We are enthusiastic to continue our research and innovation in the years to come."

To view Dr. Arzi's acceptance video, click here or visit [https://vimeo.com/843303123/3fda5357b7].

To learn more about the AVMF/EveryCat Health Foundation Research Award and past recipients, visit www.avma.org/awards.

For more information, contact Michael San Filippo, media relations manager, at 847-732-6194 (cell) or msanfilippoatavma [dot] org (msanfilippo[at]avma[dot]org).

About the AVMA

Serving more than 105,000 member veterinarians, the AVMA is the nation's leading representative of the veterinary profession, dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of animals, humans and the environment. Founded in 1863 and with members in every U.S. state and territory and more than 60 countries, the AVMA is one of the largest veterinary medical organizations in the world. Informed by our members' unique scientific training and clinical knowledge, the AVMA supports the crucial work of veterinarians and advocates for policies that advance the practice of veterinary medicine and improve animal and human health.